WooCommerce Product Ratings and Reviews – customer feedback on autopilot

Brings you better business knowledge with concrete feedback. Raises sales by showing how great your product works for other users.

This feature is not released yet, Automation.app tech team has developed a working prototype. – If you’re interested to get it for your shop. Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll set it up – expect approximately a month or two – for the feature to be ready.

Follow up after a purchase with a friendly product review request email that also features other popular items a customer might be interested in.

  • Activates the feedback module with Automation.app
  • “Customize” landing page
  • Add an automation for sending email with link to reviewing
  • When a review comes, synchronize it to WooCommerce
  • Let the review appear on the site


Description of the idea

Feedback given by customers is essential for improving any e-business.

Ratings and reviews are effective at making improved sales when shown to clients and customers in a webshop. Feedback is something every shop should be doing as a follow-up for every order.

With a simple custom email + linking of the reviews, back into the e-shop. The feedback improves the customer experience by letting users know you care.

Brings you better business knowledge with concrete feedback. Raises sales by showing how great your product works for other users.


There are lots of reasons for using feedback

  • Improve sales
  • Optimise user experience
  • Use positive experiences to boost sales by improving your communication to new clients
  • Understand client pain-points and win back clients with negative experience
  • Enhance segmentation
  • Improve Social Media and Google


Use the feedback feature to create a better long term relation with clients

Ratings and reviews gives your business “feedback on autopilot”.

You’ll be able to create simple segments of clients depending on experiences:

For these clients you might be interested in giving a special coupon – or handle experiences with a personal support call – if they’ve had a special experience.


Technically setting up automated feedback

By receiving a follow up email, sent from Automation.app. Clients will review and rate the experience. This feeds back to the shop.

In the email is a link to a very simple landing page, run by automation.app (yourdomain.automation.app/feedback#order-id)

By referring to the order-number in the email link … an email, sent from Automation.app we can send the order data back to the e-shop. When feedback is in Automation.app, then we feed it back into the WooCommerce shop, where a tab for the product is enabled


How it works pr. order

Get customer reviews for each order and put these reviews on relevant products or product categories

– Send an email, customer writes text, implement a dynamic link example if possible with the builder.

– Get the ratings + reviews

– Maybe… send feedback to WooCommerce (user defined, can send back depedning on the rating score).

– Build a plugin for WP to get data and show in tabs on products…

The Feedback feature = Ratings + Reviews


A quick word about this feature

Developing this solution from “custom” is a bit complex, with mail sending, etc. But we have done it in a single customer case because we’re thinking about this type of features a lot. Great for improving customer value, retention etc.


Demands for creating feedback feature for you

Automation.app Backend Containing new meta fields

Number field for orders – to allow a score for the order (the rating) 0-10 points?

Text input fields for reviews

The Frontend that you’ll really use

Ability to choose the feedback mechanism … Set up a standard feedback (json) that creates the entire automation(s)


Send data to WooCommerce – and make sure that the data can be used in shortcodes with categories…


Technically using Automation.app

After date + some days I’d like to send an email to the client to get a review. This review is linked with the product in the order so that it can insert the review on of the product from the client. Including custom fields like rating stars, comments etc.

This will demand that we create a logic (in our system) for ratings, that will be linked to the products. Also we need to post this data back to systems like WooCommerce.

There we also need to create some integration and be able to post this into widgets, shortcodes etc.


Pro tip: Improved visibility on Google & Facebook

The clients that leave a good review could maybe be interested in rating you on Google, Facebook or similar – Just create a tag “positive review” for all reviews over score of X and send another mail after the first review.

Enables user to rate on Google, Yelp or Facebook


A few things that we’re planning to implement

Standard headline for email in the Library could be

“Don’t keep it to yourself”


The Automation setup for “Don’t keep it to yourself”

Trigger: New order

Timing: Wait 20 days

Conditions: Order complete

Actions: Send email


Variables on the landing page

Insert variable for the ordered items and the related order number. This will be added to recognise the user data for display on Woo Frontend.

Keywords —

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