Using objects in emails

Object definition

Twig syntax provides a simple, powerful way to
include dynamic content, directly within email templates. Twig syntax allows all of
this dynamic templating to occur outside of code, meaning changes are done quickly in the
template, with no update to a code base required.

Order object

The order object contains the following fields and lists
"id": String,
"order_number": String,
"externalId": String,
"type": String,
"total": Float,
"currencyCode": String,
"currency": String,
"status": String,
"email": String,
"telephone": String,
"channelName": String,
"isGuest": Boolean,
"isGift": Boolean,
"customerNote": String,
"user": "The user object",
"customer": "The customer object",
"billingAddress": "The billing address",
"shippingAddress": "The shipping address",
"shipments": "A list of shipments",
"orderItems": "A list of order items",

Order item object

The order item object contains the following fields
"id": String,
"sku": String,
"productId": String,
"name": String,
"couponCode": Float,
"weight": Float,
"totalWeight": Float,
"qtyOrdered": Integer,
"price": Float,
"total": Float,
"discountPercent": Float,
"discountAmount": Float,
"taxPercent": Float,
"taxAmount": Float,
"productType": "String",
"additional": "String",

Address object

The address object contains the following fields
"id": String,
"type": String,
"countryCode": String,
"administrativeArea": String,
"locality": String,
"dependentLocality": String,
"postalCode": String,
"sortingCode": String,
"addressLine1": String,
"addressLine2": String,
"organization": String,
"givenName": String,
"additionalName": String,
"familyName": String,

Shipment object

The Shipment object contains the following fields
"id": String,
"status": String,
"price": Float,
"totalQty": Integer,
"totalWeight": Integer,
"carrierCode": String,
"carrierTitle": String,
"trackNumber": String,

Customer object

The customer object contains the following fields
"id": String,
"customerId": String,
"type": String,
"firstName": String,
"lastName": String,
"email": String,

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